This is the third entry in Claire Napier’s column, Gutters Should Be Called Hedges, which focuses on the role nature and natural settings play in comics. You can read the introduction to the column here and past entries here. Mystery Girl is a new comic, two or three issues in now, which debuted in late 2015 with […]
Gutters Should Be Called Hedges: Scott Summers Rebound Tour ’81-’82
This is the second entry in Claire Napier’s column, Gutters Should Be Called Hedges, which focuses on the role nature and natural settings play in comics. You can read the introduction to the column here. Divided between the ‘77 Phoenix Saga and 1980’s Dark Phoenix Saga, the rise and fall of the X-Men’s Phoenix is […]
Gutters Should Be Called Hedges
There’s no running water here. I mean, I can’t find it. I’ve always lived near running water. That’s what I said to my tutor, attempting to explain why I had been so infused with misery whilst studying his course, and subsequently, why I’d failed it. I said it, and then I realised it was true. I […]