Superheroes being miserable isn’t really new, but every week, I have to ask myself why it’s so prevalent these days. I don’t mean that in a strict “boo grim and gritty” sense, I mean it in a full spectrum way– we have gritty asshole superheroes, but we also have depressed asshole superheroes, and incompetent asshole […]
The 100 Best Comics of the First Half of the 2010s: Part Three, 60-41
People tend to reminisce about long gone eras, arguing that things were always better way back when. But when it comes to comics, there’s no denying that the 21st century has seen the medium explode in unprecedented and unpredictable ways. For many people, that has come primarily in the form of the advent of the […]
The End is Extremely Fucking Nigh: Rumble is Apocalyptic Art Done Right
The perennial complaint about the grim and gritty age of comics is that it’s too fucking dour, lacking the warmth and weirdness of the Silver Age, its works nearly always not as mature as they think they are. So let’s give thanks to John Arcudi and James Harren for their work in Rumble, undoubtedly the […]