An extremely talented indie comics figure, Laura Knetzger has rightfully been receiving accolades from publications like Buzzfeed and Comics Alliance for her fresh and inventive comics, ranging from more personal works like Sea Urchin to her breakout series Bug Boys, which has recently been collected by Czap Books. Christopher M. Jones chatted with Laura Knetzger recently about Bug Boys, […]
The Snake Eats Its Own Tail: Cobra Club Reframes Dick Pics
Prior to playing Robert Yang’s game Cobra Club, my only experience with pictures of penises was to groan and roll my eyes. “Can you fucking believe this guy sent me a picture of his dick?” a coworker lamented to me once. Many of us receiving unwanted dick pics realize the act of sending a dick […]
Simple and Small: Some Bright Little Moments In a Crappy 2014
2014 was a messy year. In the public imagination, I think it’s destined to be remembered as a year that showcased some of the ugliest parts of America and the feelings of malaise, anger, and helplessness that have set in over the back half of this year are going to have reverberating effects for a […]
The CBGBs of Indie Gaming: With Sportsfriends, Juegos Rancheros is Shaping the Future of Gaming
Remember Flynn’s Arcade? You know, from the opening scene of Tron. Jeff Bridge’s character was an ex-software dev turned arcade owner and host of the titular cabinet. Blah blah blah. I don’t need to give you a summary of Tron here, you’ve seen it or know it, but if you’re like me then something in […]