ymmv .16 – Don’t Only Write Comics I want to be an amazing writer of comics. As such, I write a lot of comics [see the 10k pages of hot garbage rule], but then I also write a lot that’s not comics. Here’s why. Writing is the endeavour of wrangling words until you unlock the […]
ymmv – Writing the Love of your Life
ymmv .15 – Writing the Love of your Life I love writing Deer Editor. I’ve written a small sample of comics, from 5 page shorts, to a collected trade of story that’s 100+ pages long, but pretty much everything has always been very hardwired to end. I know no one’s entrusting a six year plan […]
ymmv – Launching a Book
ymmv .14 – Launching a Book Launching a book is no laughing matter. In fact, it’ll have you bleary eyed with lack of sleep, it’ll have you grinding your teeth down to Stonehenge nubs, and it’ll have you leaking tears just at the thought of FOCs and Diamond Order Codes and finding that fine line […]
ymmv – I Haven’t Written A Goddamned Thing
ymmv .13 – I Haven’t Written A Goddamned Thing It’s weeks into 2016 and I haven’t written a goddamn thing. Well, revised for clarity, I managed to get within hours of January ending before I scripted anything. And all this not writing made me feel like rubbish. It makes me feel like I’m doing nothing. […]
ymmv – #366stories
ymmv .12 – #366stories I made a New Year’s Resolution. I’m writing a story idea a day down and putting it into this notebook. It’s my #366stories notebook. The aim of the game is just to get my mind spinning. It should also – conceivably – just be a little thing every day. I couldn’t […]
ymmv: Top 10 Writing Swipes from the Books of 2015
ymmv .11- Top 10 Writing Swipes from the Books of 2015 I’m writing this on my iPad in the past at a barber as I wait for a cut. I have to keep getting up to offer my seat to harried mothers who no doubt just want their swarm presentable for Xmas photos. This might […]
ymmv: Writing Resolutions
ymmv .10 – Writing Resolutions I love New Year’s Eve. Long gone are the wild nights of my youth, fuelled by Passion Pop [google it], raging on the beach, and blasting through the moment where the dawn stare us down. I’m beyond 6 years married, with two kids in the hole, and there’s little opportunity […]
ymmv: Xmas Guide to Writing Comics
ymmv .09 – Xmas Guide to Writing Comics And so the season is upon us. If you are Shane Black, your writing boner is most likely visible from space. Godspeed, you mighty emperor. For the rest of us, Xmas and the whole holidays malarkey means two things: the possibility of presents to aid our writing, […]