I’ve never lived in New York City. The current state of my income ensures that I probably never will, either. But like a lot of creative types with aspirations of “making it” at some point, preferably before the flab and nonsexy sadness kicks in, New York has stood out as not just a place to […]
Adventures in the Floating World: 20th Century Boys Vol. 1
I’ve been reading and enjoying comics for most of my life, but one area I’ve never explored as much as I should has been Asian comics. Part of that is because when I was growing up, comic book stores did not stock much— or more frequently, any— Asian comics. True, they didn’t stock much in […]
Fifth Street Foodie: A Wild West of Flavor!
Note: This is the first entry in our Fifth Street Foodie series, a dining guide for true Austinites and by true Austinites! We hope this feature can help everyone from out-of-town “newbies” to seasoned (dry-rubbed?) veterans in their quest to find the best little dining nooks Austin has to offer. Welcome Austinites, and welcome non-Austinites (as long as you don’t […]
Anatomy of a Page: Lone Wolf and Cub Omnibus Vol. 1 Pg. #672
Comics are a visual medium, but so often criticism of the medium hinges on narrative, ignoring or minimizing the visual storytelling and unique structures that make comics so different from cinema and photography. We’ve decided to change that up with a feature in Loser City that we’re calling anatomy of a page, in which we explore pages […]
Anatomy of a Page: The Secret History of DB Cooper #1, pg. 21
Comics are a visual medium, but so often criticism of the medium hinges on narrative, ignoring or minimizing the visual storytelling and unique structures that make comics so different from cinema and photography. We’ve decided to change that up with a feature in Loser City that we’re calling anatomy of a page, in which we explore […]
71st Annual Golden Globes Predictions
From the Desk of Loser City Founder/Jacuzzi Sales Representative Nona Lippi 71st Annual Golden Globes Predictions Tonight all of America will put down their Rubik’s Cubes and cattle prods to stop and partake in the annual broadcast of the Golden Globe Awards. The Oscars of televised award ceremonies, the Golden Globes tell us which films and […]
I didn’t read everything this year (BATTLING BOY, that Beatles comic, anything Los Hermanos put out because I’m playing hell of catch-up), but here are some things I thought were great. Masterplasty (James Harvey) This was a sci-fi version of Helter Skelter (itself a great 2013 re-release), a comic about surgically changing your appearance and […]
Good-Ass Music: December 2013
2013 is drawing to a close and yeah, it was pretty shitty. But here’s what we were into for this final stretch of the year. 7DZ930N77WnFWnfO4poT7B 1. Jail Weddings ”It’s Not Fair” (LA) Something like the Pogues and Arcade Fire joining up for some gritty, epic rock ‘n’ roll with gorgeous harmonies. 2. Juniore ”Dans Le Noir” (France) […]
Here are a bunch of comics from this year I thought were awesome and worth talking about. “Best of” list forthcoming. Batman Incorporated (Chris Burnham, the ghost of Shotaro Ishinomori) I love that the moment Chris Burnham got a chance to write a fill-in issue of Batman Incorporated he came up with the most […]
Guys, Guys– We Won The Lottery.
From the Desk of Nona Lippi, CCO, DDS, DTF Loser City Headquarters The Pacific Ocean Dear internet, This is the last time that I am writing to you from this computer. From here on out, I am hiring ten people to write all of my blog posts, tweets, and Xtube comments one finger at a […]