Us Loser City folk sometimes take trips outside the city limits, so this week we’re rounding up some of the places you might have seen Loser City citizens.
First up, Lilith Wood gave Danny Djeljosevic and Diana Naneva’s Loser City release Final Derby some love over at Stackedd Magazine, calling the one-shot a “beautiful little story” that is “steely and whimsical at the same time.”
Over at the Cultural Gutter, Nick Hanover contributed an essay on the meta-weirdness of Herbie, a character that first appeared in the anthology series Forbidden Worlds in the late ’50s, before getting his own extremely bizarre series. Herbie was best known for his lollipop-connected omnipotent abilities and his catchphrase “You want I should bop you with this here lollipop?” Nick previously wrote about a page of Herbie for us in Anatomy of a Page.
Games editor Jake Muncy has been on a roll lately, picking up gigs at the AV Club while also doing his thang over here at LC, but today he made his debut at the beloved games site Kill Screen with an essay on Metro 2033 and the “poetics of urban agoraphobia”. Go check it out, it’s a great read! And in case you missed it, Jake also wrote a fantastic piece on the lack of Halo’s most humanizing games– including Halo 3: ODST– in the new Halo HD collection for the AV Club.
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