Like so many comics lovers, we are a bunch of horny fucks here at Loser City, so we decided to count down the top 11 CBR-exclusive stories we’d bone if they were people. Because that’s normal. Totally normal. We’re not like the other sites out there, but if we have anything in common with them, […]
Questionable Comics: Kate Moon and Jesse Hamm
Questionable Comics is a series where Dan Hill surveys professionals from every corner of the comics industry about their methods and experience. This week we speak with two character-heavy artists, beginning with Kate Moon, who mostly focuses on character design work but has also recently done some excellent editorial comics work for The Guardian. What […]
Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman Takes Place in a Universe We Already Know
In this essay, I will establish that Zack Snyder’s latest movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is actually a continuation of the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher Batman films. Needless to say, spoilers will follow. Batman v Superman opens up on a scene we know all too well: the death of Martha and Thomas Wayne. We […]
Lights, Camera…Action?: A Dialogue That Asks “Are Superhero Movies, Action Movies?”
Shea Hennum and Christopher M. Jones spend a lot of time arguing the rules of genre. So instead of letting them continue to distract us here in the imaginary Loser City offices, we forced them to get together and attempt to settle one of their biggest semantic conflicts: are superheroes action movies? Shea Hennum: So, […]
Critical Combat: Chipman vs. Sims, or There Is No “Problem” With Batman
This week we’re kicking off a new column, Critical Combat, in which we analyze two separate critical arguments in the hopes of determining a clear winner or at least finding solid middle ground. Tom Speelman makes his Loser City debut with the premier of the column, pitting Bob “Moviebob” Chipman of ScrewAttack‘s “In Bob We Trust” series against Comics […]
Double Consciousness: Mad Men is the Superhero Show We Need Now
Here’s a trick: Find a person you love and offer them something no one has ever seen, that no one will ever see again. Admire their astonishment. Then, produce a peanut. It could be anything in a shell—an oyster, say, but that’s messier to share. Crack it open, and each eat one of the nuts. […]
Dueling Auteurs: Alejandro González Iñárritu x Chris Rock: Light Up Your Face
Because we’re geeks, we frequently find it’s easier to understand an artist’s work when comparing them to another artist, finding out the common or antithetical traits that bind them. Hence Dueling Auteurs, a column where we take two auteurs from any medium and compare and contrast them. This month, new Loser City citizen Lars Russell examines Alejandro […]
Split Seven-Inch: Batgirl/Gotham Academy
Welcome to Split Seven-Inch, a new feature of Loser City wherein we examine two pieces of media that are not necessarily closely related with each other yet still have something interesting in common. For the first installment, we’ve got Batgirl #35 on the A-side and Gotham Academy #1 on the B-side. SIDE A: Batgirl #35 […]