Us Loser City folk sometimes take trips outside the city limits, so this week we’re rounding up some of the places you might have seen Loser City citizens. Over at, Dylan Garsee bravely watched the 12 Monkeys pilot so you don’t have to. Was it any good? Well, this paragraph from Dylan should give you […]
Trophies of Over Indulgence: A Look Inside the World of Gainers
My skinny jeans fit a little more loosely today. Maybe I should eat some more. I’m alone in my apartment, as usual for a Friday, except I’m actually going somewhere tonight. An original pressing of the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds is spinning on my turntable, blasting “God Only Knows” throughout every room in the apartment. I spit […]
American Horror Story: Coven “Bitchcraft” Review
Nick Hanover: I blame you for my entrance into the world of American Horror Story, Dylan. If it hadn’t been for your review of the first season and that laundry list of absurdities that made up the major plot points of the first season, I never would have wound up going down this rabbit hole […]
Beaumont Brawls Preview #2
THAT FACE. Photo art by Dylan Garsee.
Beaumont Brawls Preview #1
A quick preview of a glitchy photo essay by Dylan Garsee on the mystery of Beaumont Brawls that we will be featuring in the inaugural issue of Loser City.