I don’t know why Joyce Manor’s songs are generally short. Maybe it’s an economic thing; if your songs generally aren’t more than two minutes long then maybe you can fit more of them into an opening act or spend less time in a studio recording an EP/LP. It doesn’t matter. What I do know is […]
Between Bodies is a Flawed but Worthwhile Entry Point into Emo Maximalists The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
At the climax of “Getting Sodas,” the final song of their debut EP Whenever, if Ever, the voices of (deep breath) The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die’s vocalists start to blur and expand, a sonic zooming out, an effect of overdub and echoes that makes the emo […]
Believe in What You Want: An Interview with the AV Club’s Jason Heller
It’s no secret that all of us at Loser City are big fans of the AV Club, and it’s equally unsurprising that the site’s recent feature Fear of a Punk Decade has caught our interest in a big way. We spoke with Jason Heller, senior writer at the AV Club, about Fear of a Punk Decade, which wraps […]