People tend to reminisce about long gone eras, arguing that things were always better way back when. But when it comes to comics, there’s no denying that the 21st century has seen the medium explode in unprecedented and unpredictable ways. For many people, that has come primarily in the form of the advent of the […]
Reviews in the Panel Panopticon: Starlight, Creepy, Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two and More
In Panel Panopticon, Nick Hanover talks about the comics he’s picked up for the week, good, bad or otherwise. Starlight #2 Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Goran Parlov Colorist: Ive Scorcina Letterer: Marko Sunjic Published by: Image Comics Few figures in comics are as divisive as Mark Millar. The Scottish writer known for The Ultimates and […]