People tend to reminisce about long gone eras, arguing that things were always better way back when. But when it comes to comics, there’s no denying that the 21st century has seen the medium explode in unprecedented and unpredictable ways. For many people, that has come primarily in the form of the advent of the […]
Kill Yr Gods: Reconnecting with Grant Morrison Through Nameless
I had this little comics freakout a bit ago. I was rereading Pax Americana, the latest entry in Grant Morrison’s epoch spanning super hero opus The Multiversity and I was hit by a blast of sudden clarity. The message in my brain was that I just really didn’t connect with this thing. At all. I […]
Erotic Agents, Multiverses and Pop Assassins: 10 Comics We Loved This Year
We’re a bunch of culture geeks here at Loser City, which means we love nothing so much as conformity, lists, and faux definitive rankings of things. With that in mind, this month we’re bringing you our Loser City Best Ofs, lists on lists on lists of our picks for top video games, comics, and everything […]
Top Ten Greatest Comics Of All Time: A Risky and Dangerous Maneuver
Sometimes I enter a fugue state at the comic shop. I’ll be searching through longboxes of dollar books and suddenly get what a doctor assures me is called “a wild hair up one’s ass” and suddenly want to buy every single issue of Marvel Comics G.I Joe I can find, or piece together the “Fatal […]
Anatomy of a Page: All-Star Superman #10
I’m writing this during National Suicide Prevention Week, and it seemed like there was no better piece of art to discuss than what is likely Frank Quitely, Jamie Grant, and Grant Morrison’s most famous page from All Star Superman. This is comic storytelling at its finest, and although Morrison penned words for this page, it […]