Despite comics being its own media language, a significant number of comics scripters operate under the curious assumption that words are the most important element of the medium. And usually the scripters that think this way seem to chiefly have non-comics influences, like Bendis and his Mamet obsession and all the sub-Bendis writers who have […]
Anatomy of a Page: We Can Never Go Home #4 Page 12, by Josh Hood, Matthew Rosenberg and Patrick Kindlon
Comics are a visual medium, but so often criticism of the medium hinges on narrative, ignoring or minimizing the visual storytelling and unique structures that make comics so different from cinema and photography. We’ve decided to change that up with a feature that we’re calling Anatomy of a Page, in which we explore pages and […]
Left of the Dial: Even a Brilliant Cover Can’t Save We Can Never Go Home
Covers have always been an instrumental part of comics yet I can’t think of the last time industry conversation has been so focused on the subject. Before you get to your eye rolling and ask yourself if this is going to be yet another diatribe about that piece of art involving the Joker pointing a […]