ymmv .22 – Splash Pages in the New Millennium I was going to title this one ‘Do you even splash, bro?’ but decided against it. Anything to do with ‘Making a Splash’ didn’t even get a run. C’mon, this is serious business, let’s get down to it. Okay, splash pages, just the words no doubt […]
Saint, Super Mutants and One Punch Men: The Best Comics of 2015
2015 was a crazy year for comics, but it was also a year of creative explosions, with the small press and digital comics spheres in particular showing off incredible material. Most of our favorite comics this year came from creators working outside the confines of the mainstream industry, with boutique presses like Nobrow and Youth […]
ymmv: Opening Panels
Your very first panel is insanely important, it’s pivotal, it’s you at your date’s door, flowers in hand, hoping to make a good impression. Or maybe an update on that is it’s your Tinder pic and you want every reader in all of comics to swipe right [is it right that you swipe that’s good? […]
Anatomy of a Page: Owen Gieni’s Negative Space #1
Comics are a visual medium, but so often criticism of the medium hinges on narrative, ignoring or minimizing the visual storytelling and unique structures that make comics so different from cinema and photography. We’ve decided to change that up with a feature that we’re calling Anatomy of a Page, in which we explore pages and […]
Filling the Void: An Interview with Ryan K. Lindsay Part Two
Several weeks ago, Ryan K. Lindsay reached out to see if we wanted to take a peek at his upcoming new Dark Horse series Negative Space and talk to him about it. A quick glance at Owen Gieni’s imaginative and unique art made it clear Negative Space was going to be a different series than readers of Lindsay’s […]
Filling a Void: An Interview with Ryan K. Lindsay
Several weeks ago, Ryan K. Lindsay reached out to see if we wanted to take a peek at his upcoming new Dark Horse series Negative Space and talk to him about it. A quick glance at Owen Gieni’s imaginative and unique art made it clear Negative Space was going to be a different series than readers of Lindsay’s […]
Writing is Living: Negative Space is an Emotional Look at Writer’s Block
For one week in 2012, Facebook blatantly manipulated the posts nearly 700,000 users saw on their feed in order to gauge the impact the social media platform had on human emotion, removing positive or negative posts to make some people have “happier” feeds while others wound up with “sadder” ones. When news of this experiment […]