Professional malcontent Christopher M. Jones attempted to leave a bunch of comments on our page slamming otherwise well-liked works of cinema. Normally we’d have sent that to the spam folder but we were impressed by his boldness while simultaneously disturbed by the sheer volume of disses he left on articles that in fact had nothing at […]
Go Home, Kid: Why Boyhood Deserved Its Best Picture Loss
I begin this column with the fear that the above headline has not yet cost me a sufficient number of friendships. Let’s see if this next sentence does the trick. I do not merely believe that Boyhood deserved to lose the Best Picture Oscar because it wasn’t the strongest of this year’s nominees; I believe […]
A Town of Crazies: Returning to Richard Linklater’s Debut, Slacker
In honor of the accolades that have built up around Richard Linklater’s epic, decades spanning masterwork Boyhood (including our own), we’ve decided to take a look back at Linklater’s debut Slacker, a cinematic love letter to Austin that managed to capture the film world’s attention and eventually catapult Linklater to massive success. This essay originally ran as […]
All’s Fair in Love, War, and the Movies: The 10 Films We Loved Best in 2014
We’re a bunch of culture geeks here at Loser City, which means we love nothing so much as conformity, lists, and faux definitive rankings of things. With that in mind, this month we’re bringing you our Loser City Best Ofs, lists on lists on lists of our picks for top video games, comics, and everything […]
Nostalgia Road Trip: Boyhood is a Masterpiece of Cinematic History
There has never been and will never be another film quite like Boyhood. That much is certain. Shot over a period of twelve years with the same cast, at any moment such a bold project could have turned disastrous. Central star Ellar Coltrane could have grown from precocious young boy to hideous hoodlum, funding for […]