Not content to let their pop passions go unloved by the masses, Loser City staff have banded together to provide Pop Rehabilitation to the works that have been unjustly maligned and forgotten. In honor of Project Greenlight’s return to the airwaves after a decade long hiatus, Nick Hanover looks back at the film that emerged from the show’s […]
Turbo Kid is a Post-Apocalyptic Splatterfest with a Whole Lot of Heart
The mood of the moment is dour post-apocalypses, hopeless expanses of disrupted civilization and bleak sand and rock backdrops. This isn’t escape fiction, it’s a blunt reminder of what we’re pretty clearly heading towards if we keep up our bad habits. But genres need room to breathe otherwise they shrivel and die. Montreal special effects […]
Artificial Imagination: Is Nonplayer #2 Worth Four Years of Waiting?
Woe is the massively delayed follow-up to a widely beloved debut. No one wants to toil for a half a decade only to reemerge with a second Second Coming. But comics seems relatively immune to that phenomena, doesn’t it? By my recknoning, the closest we’ve got is Big Numbers, though that’s really more of a “lost work,” so maybe […]