We aim to fail big; do you?
Become a citizen of Loser City, where we are dedicated to the publication of quality essays, pieces of criticism, poetry, comics, and works of fiction. There is no hard or fast rule as to what we want from you as far as creative work is concerned; just don’t be boring. Take a look around, poke your head down an alleyway or two in Loser City and see if you think your work would fit in with us.
We do have a few simple guidelines, though. We are not looking for fanfiction of any kind, and while you will be hard-pressed to find a member of our staff with an opposition to genre, we expect works to use genre as a tool rather than a crutch. The same goes for poetry and form, rhyme, and meter. In short, have a purpose for the choices you have made for your fiction or poetry.
Please send an email with a brief bio and your submissions in a doc or docx attachment to our Creative Writing Editor, David Fairbanks (davidjfairbanks@gmail.com) with either “Loser City Poetry Submission” or “Loser City Fiction Submission” as the subject. Make sure to follow the guidelines below; please do not submit again until we have responded to your initial submission.
We welcome simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted elsewhere, however, please notify us immediately. We do not accept previously published material.
Our Creative Writing Editor reads year round and will try to respond promptly. We publish as volume dictates and time allows, however we will let you know upon acceptance when you can expect to see your work here at Loser City.
While we would love to pay our contributors, we are currently unable to do so.
We acquire First North American serial rights, and right will revert to the author upon publication, though we do ask that Loser City be acknowledged in any future reprints.
Please submit your work as a single file (doc or docx) named in the format of “Genre-LastName-Firstname.” Cover letters should be pasted into the body of the email.
Submit up to five poems using standard font and formatting. If there is a need for a distinct font, please make a note of it in your email. Place a page break between each poem as well as your name on each page (a header with your name is fine).
Submit up to three pieces of flash fiction or prose poetry (let us know which you would prefer it identified as). Longer prose poems and flash fiction should be submitted in a single file with page breaks between the pieces; ensure that your name is on each page as well.
Please double-space all fiction submissions and keep them in standard font and format. While we have no hard limits on length, we tend to shoot for brevity whenever possible.
If you are interested in contributing essays, critical work, or other pieces of writing to Loser City, inquire at losercitymag@gmail.com before submitting any material.
Thank you for your interest in Loser City,
David Fairbanks
Creative Writing Editor